建筑与土木工程学院 论文发表收录
序号 | 第一作者 | 论文名称 | 刊物 | 时间 | 备注 |
1 | 陈磊磊 | Isogeometric Boundary Element Analysis for 2D Transient Heat Conduction Problem with Radial Integration Method | Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences | 2021 | SCI |
2 | 周葆春 | Correlation between Atterberg Limits and Soil Adsorptive Water | Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering | 2021 | SCI |
3 | 周葆春 | 9 种土样高吸力下的持水特征 | 岩土工程学报 | 2021 | EI |
4 | 尹晓萌 | Anisotropy of quartz mica schist based on quantitative extraction of fabric information | Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment | 2020 | SCI |
5 | 马文强 | Numerical study of the influence of joint angle on the failure behavior of randomly and nonpersistently jointed rock mass | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | 2020 | SCI |
6 | 马文强 | Experimental investigation on uniaxial compressive responses of grouted rock-like material | Geotechnical and Geological Engineering | 2020 | EI |
7 | 马文强 | Self-bearing Characteristics and Control Strategy of a Cataclastic Regenerated Rock Mass in a Roadway Roof with Top Remains: A Case Study | Geotechnical and Geological Engineering | 2020 | EI |
8 | 陈磊磊 | Acoustic topology optimization of sound absorbing materials directly From subdivision surfaces with isogeometric boundary element methods | Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | 2020 | SCI |
9 | 陈磊磊 | Seamless integration of computer-aided geometric modeling and acoustic simulation: Isogeometric boundary element methods based on Catmull- | Advances in Engineering Software | 2020 | SCI |
10 | 陈磊磊 | Subdivision Surfaces — Boundary Element Accelerated by Fast Multipole for the Structural Acoustic Problem | Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics | 2020 | SCI |
11 | 陈磊磊 | 水下结构振动特征值分析的有限元-边界元法研究 | 船舶力学 | 2020 | EI |
12 | 牛文杰 | Unsaturated permeability of Gaomiaozi bentonite under partially free-swelling conditions | Acta Geotechnica | 2020 | SCI |
13 | 闫东 | Analysis of Shockwave Front-Time Characteristics based On Pulse Discharge in Water | Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review | 2020 | EI |
14 | 王士革 | Experimental Research on Steel slag Stabilized Soil and its Application in Subgrade Engineering | Geotechnical and Geological Engineering | 2020 | EI |
15 | 王士革 | Resolving Domain Integral Issues in Isogeometric Boundary Element Methods via Radial Integration: A Study of Thermoelastic Analysis | Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences | 2020 | SCI |
16 | 闫启方 | Study on Vertical Vibration of Partially Exposed Friction Pipe Pile Groups Based on Fictitious Soil Pipe Pile Model | Geotechnical and Geological Engineering | 2020 | EI |
17 | 尹晓萌 | Deformation and Failure Response Pattern of Schistosed Surrounding Rock to Its Anisotropic Properties | Geotechnical and Geological Engineering | 2019 | EI |
18 | 尹晓萌 | 细观特征对片岩起裂应力与裂纹扩展 各向异性的影响 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 2019 | EI |
19 | 尹晓萌 | 各向异性片岩的微观组构信息定量 提取与断面形貌特征分析 | 岩土力学 | 2019 | EI |
20 | 尹晓萌 | 水与微观结构对片岩波速各向异性特征的影响及其机制研究 | 岩土力学 | 2019 | EI |
21 | 尹晓萌 | 土体稳定性计算中地下水作用力探讨 | 岩土力学 | 2019 | EI |
22 | 闫东 | Investigation and Analysis on the Explosion Accident in the Mountain Tunnel | Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review | 2019 | EI |
23 | 马文强 | Experimental Study of Shear Strength Features of Regenerated Rock Mass compacted and consolidated by Broken Soft Rocks | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | 2019 | SCI |
24 | 高春华 | Development of the Shaking Table and Array System Technology in China | Advances in Civil Engineering | 2019 | SCI |
25 | 周葆春 | 压实膨胀土非饱和渗水系数函数的密度与水力滞回效应 | 岩土工程学报 | 2019 | EI |
26 | 陈磊磊 | 基于等几何边界元法的声屏障结构形状优化分析 | 振动与冲击 | 2019 | EI |
27 | 陈磊磊 | 细分曲面边界元法的黏附吸声材料结构拓扑优化分析 | 力学学报 | 2019 | EI |
28 | 陈磊磊 | Implementation of Isogeometric Fast Multipole Boundary Element Methods for 2D Half-Space Acoustic Scattering Problems with Absorbing Boundary Condition | Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics | 2019 | SCI |
29 | 陈磊磊 | Structuralshapeoptimizationofthreedimensionalacousticproblems withisogeometricboundaryelementmethods | Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | 2019 | SCI |
30 | 陈磊磊 | Isogeometric Fast Multipole Boundary Element Method Based on Burton-Miller Formulation for 3D Acoustic Problems | ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS | 2019 | SCI |
31 | 刘林超 | 饱和土-管桩-刚性承台水平振动研究 | 振动与冲击 | 2019 | EI |
32 | 马文强 | Instability mechanism and control countermeasure of a cataclastic roadway regenerated roof in the extraction of the remaining mineral resources: A Case Study | Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering | 2019 | SCI |
33 | 徐思齐 | An extension of the coupled derivative nonlinear schrodinger hierarchy | Modern physics letters B | 2018 | SCI |
34 | 马文强 | 再生顶板结构及巷道注-锚支护研究 | 采矿与安全工程学报 | 2018 | EI |
35 | 马文强 | 多围压脆岩压缩破坏特征及裂纹扩展规律 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 2018 | EI |
36 | 袁晓辉 | Effect Analysis of Expansion Agent on Interfacial Bond Behavior of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS(Civil Engineer and applied Chemistry) | 2018 | EI |
37 | 陈磊磊 | An isogeometric approach of two dimensional acoustic design sensitivity analysis and topology optimization analysis for absorbing material distribution | Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | 2018 | SCI |
38 | 陈磊磊 | Study on the Optimization of the Distribution of Absorbing Material on aNoiseBarrier | Acoustics Australia | 2018 | SCI |
39 | 肖琪聃 | 无压熔渗制备TiC/Ti3SiC2复合材料高速载流摩擦磨损性能 | 复合材料学报 | 2019 | EI |
40 | 刘林超 | 基于土体三维波动模型的饱和土中管桩竖向振动 | 岩土力学 | 2018 | EI |
41 | 周葆春 | 压实膨胀土非饱和抗剪强度的湿度与密度效应 | 岩土力学 | 2017 | EI |
42 | 袁晓辉 | Dynamic Compression Performance Test of Synthetic Fiber Alkali Activated Slag Concrete | Revista de la Facultad de Ingenieria | 2018 | EI |
43 | 高春华 | A Nonlinear Model and System Identification of Shaking Table | REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE INGENIERIA | 2017 | EI |
44 | 刘林超 | 考虑三维波动的饱和土中管桩群桩的水平振动研究 | 岩土力学 | 2018 | EI |
45 | 高春华 | servo-valve Features of Earthquake Simulation Shaking TableControl Performance Impact | Technical Bulletin | 2017 | EI |
46 | 刘林超 | 饱和土中部分土塞部分外露管桩的水平动力阻抗 | 振动与冲击 | 2018 | EI |
47 | 陈磊磊 | An Adjoint Operator Approach for Sensitivity Analysis of Radiated Sound Power in Fully Coupled Structural-Acoustic Systems | Journal of Computational Acoustics | 2017 | SCI |
48 | 陈磊磊 | 基于直接微分法的水下结构声学快速敏感度分析 | 振动与冲击 | 2018 | EI |
49 | 陈磊磊 | 2D Structural Acoustic Analysis Using the FEM/FMBEM with Different Coupled Element Types | ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS | 2017 | SCI |
50 | 陈磊磊 | Structural–acoustic sensitivity analysis of radiated sound power using a finite element/ discontinuous fast multipole boundary element scheme | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids | 2016 | SCI |
51 | 肖琪聃 | Ti3SiC2 friction material prepared by novel method of infiltration sintering | Advances in Applied Ceramics | 2017 | SCI |
52 | 陈磊磊 | 2D Acoustic Design Sensitivity Analysis Based on Adjoint Variable Method Using Different Types of Boundary Elements | Acoustics Australia | 2017 | SCI |
53 | 徐思齐 | Smooth quasi-periodic solutions for the perturbed mKdV eqution | Communications on pure and applied analysis | 2017 | SCI |
54 | 刘林超 | 基于轴对称模型的管桩竖向振动研究 | 岩土力学 | 2016 | EI |
55 | 刘林超 | 非均质土体中群桩纵向振动的内外域模型解 | 振动工程学报 | 2016 | EI |
56 | 肖琪聃 | 反应烧结Ti3SiC2/TiC复合材料摩擦磨损性能研究 | 摩擦学学报 | 2015 | EI |
57 | 周葆春 | 压缩过程中非饱和膨胀土体变特征与持水特性的水力耦合效应 | 岩土工程学报 | 2015 | EI |
58 | 肖琪聃 | Tribological behaviours of Ti3SiC2 under current carrying conditions | Advances in Applied Ceramics | 2015 | SCI |
59 | 高洪波 | 轴对称横观各向同性饱和土中单桩竖向振动的简化模型求解 | 振动工程学报 | 2014 | EI |
60 | 周葆春 | 不同压实度荆门弱膨胀土的-维膨胀-压缩特性 | 岩土力学 | 2014 | EI |
61 | 刘林超 | 饱和土中管桩的水平动力阻抗研究 | 岩土力学 | 2014 | EI |
62 | 姚庆钊 | 分数阶三维积分型黏弹性土体中单桩的水平动力阻抗研究 | 水利学报 | 2013 | EI |
63 | 周葆春 | 荆门压实弱膨胀土孔隙比-含水率-吸力特征的滞回效应 | 水利学报 | 2013 | EI |
64 | 周葆春 | 荆门非饱和压实膨胀土的吸力特征及其本构方程 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 2013 | EI |
65 | 闫启方 | 考虑波动效应的SH简谐地震波作用下单桩水平振动研究 | 岩土工程学报 | 2012 | EI |
66 | 刘林超 | 基于积分型分数导数本构方程的黏弹性土层中单桩的竖向复刚度与导纳研究 | 水利学报 | 2012 | EI |
67 | 高洪波 | 分数导数微分算子描述的粘弹性土层中群桩的水平振动研究 | 工程力学 | 2012 | EI |
68 | 周葆春 | 石灰改良膨胀土的应力-应变-强度特征与本构描述 | 岩土力学 | 2012 | EI |
69 | 周葆春 | 不同水化状态下的压实膨胀土应力-应变-强度特征 | 岩土力学 | 2012 | EI |
70 | 刘林超 | Steady State Response of Compressible Fractional Derivative Viscoelastic Thick-Walled Cylinder | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2012 | EI |
71 | 刘林超 | 一维分数导数粘弹性饱和多孔介质层的稳态响应 | 工程力学 | 2012 | EI |
72 | 刘林超 | 地震作用下饱和土-桩-上部结构动力相互作用研究 | 岩土力学 | 2012 | EI |
73 | 刘林超 | 分数导数模型描述的粘弹性土层中桩基水平振动研究 | 工程力学 | 2012 | EI |
74 | 闫启方 | Free vibration of elastic Timoshenko beam on fractional derivative Winkler viscoelastic foundation | Advanced Materials Research | 2012 | EI |
75 | 冯波 | Local analytical solution of one dimension consolidation equation | Adavances Materials Research | 2011 | EI |
76 | 周葆春 | 考虑体积变化的非饱和膨胀土土水特征 | 水利学报 | 2011 | EI |
77 | 姚庆钊 | Quasi-static Analysis of Beam Described by Fractional Derivative Kelvin Viscoelastic Model under Lateral Load | Advanced Materials Research | 2011 | EI |
78 | 刘林超 | 分数导数粘弹性土层模型中桩基竖向振动特性研究 | 工程力学 | 2011 | EI |
79 | 周葆春 | 荆门弱膨胀土的胀缩与渗透特性试验研究 | 岩土力学 | 2011 | EI |
80 | 刘林超 | 饱和土中管桩的纵向振动特性 | 水利学报 | 2011 | EI |
81 | 刘林超 | 基于多孔介质理论的饱和土中群桩水平振动特性 | 岩土力学 | 2011 | EI |
82 | 刘林超 | 分数导数模型描述的饱和土桩纵向振动分析 | 岩土力学 | 2011 | EI |
83 | 刘林超 | 饱和土中桩-桩竖向动力相互作用及群桩竖向振动 | 工程力学 | 2011 | EI |
84 | 陈哲 | Steady State Response of Infinite Elastic Beam on Viscoelastic Ground Described by Fractional Derivative Model | ICMS2010 | 2010 | ISTP |
85 | 闫启方 | pile-to-pile vertical dynamic interaction in saturated soil | ICMS2010 | 2010 | ISTP |
86 | 闫启方 | 基于多孔介质理论的饱和土中单桩的扭转复刚度研究 | 岩土工程学报 | 2010 | EI |
87 | 刘林超 | finite element analysis of the elastic plate on the founndation described by fravtional viscoelastic model | ICMS2010 | 2010 | ISTP |
88 | 刘林超 | 基于多孔介质理论的饱和土中桩基水平振动研究 | 土木工程学报 | 2010 | EI |
89 | 刘林超 | 基于严格平面应变模型的土中群桩水平振动研究 | 工程力学 | 2010 | EI |
90 | 周葆春 | 荆门膨胀土土–水特征曲线特征参数分析与非饱和抗剪强度预测 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 2010 | EI |
91 | 刘林超 | 基于薄层法的饱和土桩纵向振动研究 | 岩土力学 | 2010 | EI |
92 | 詹润涛 | GPR measurement of the diameter of steel bars in concrete specimens based on the stationary wavelet transform | Insight | 2009 | SCI |
93 | 周葆春 | 黏性土非线性弹性K-G模型的一种改进方法 | 岩土力学 | 2008 | EI |
94 | 周葆春 | 武汉黏土Duncan本构模型参数研究 | 岩土力学 | 2008 | EI |
95 | 王靖涛 | 论土体本构关系对应力路径的依赖性 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 2008 | EI |
96 | 闫启方 | Attenuation function of the displacement of soil caused by the vibration the pile | The Second International Conference on Modelling and Simulation | 2009 | ISTP |
97 | 闫启方 | Dispersion properties of shear horizontal waves in fluid-saturated porous elastic plate | The Second International Conference on Modelling and Simulation | 2009 | ISTP |
98 | 王述超 | 超限高层建筑地震作用下的动力稳定性分析 | 振动与冲击 | 2009 | EI |
99 | 闫启方 | Vibration Analysis on Viscoelastic Beam described by Feactional Derivative Kelvin Model | Modelling and Simulation in Mechanics and Manufacture | 2008 | ISTP |
100 | 周葆春 | 论土体应力应变关系曲线类型和临界状态 | 重庆建筑大学学报 | 2008 | EI |
101 | 周葆春 | 不排水条件下黏土本构关系的数值建模 | 华中科技大学学报 | 2008 | EI |
102 | 周葆春 | 应力路径对重塑黏土有效抗剪强度参数的影响 | 华中科技大学学报 | 2007 | EI |
103 | 周葆春 | 减围压三轴压缩路径下重塑黏土本构关系的数值建模研究 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 2007 | EI |
104 | 周葆春 | 武汉粘土修正剑桥模型参数研究 | 武汉理工大学学报 | 2007 | EI |
105 | 刘林超 | 软土流变特性的模型研究 | 岩土力学 | 2007 | EI |
106 | 周葆春 | Study on the Method of Numerical Modeling for Constitutive Relations of Clay | Journal of China University of Geosciences | 2006 | SCI |
107 | 周葆春 | 应力路径对重塑粘土本构关系影响的试验研究 | 重庆建筑大学学报 | 2006 | EI |
108 | 熊瑞生 | 磁化水对水泥活性影响的实验研究 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 2006 | EI |
建筑与土木工程学院 国家自然科学基金项目
序号 | 项目名称 | 批准编号 | 立项批准日期 | 项目主持人 | 立项金额(万元) |
1 | 水作用下石英云母片岩各向异性响应特征及细观机理研究 | 41807240 | 2018-8-27 | 尹晓萌 | 24 |
2 | 低应力和湿化路径下膨胀土的持水-变形-破坏耦合行为研究 | 11772290 | 2017-8-18 | 周葆春 | 50 |
3 | 等几何快速多极边界元的吸声型声屏障拓扑优化 | 11702238 | 2017-8-18 | 陈磊磊 | 24 |
4 | 饱和土-管桩动力相互作用理论与振动特性研究 | U1504505 | 2015-10-15 | 刘林超 | 27 |
5 | 水力与力学特性耦合的膨胀土弹塑性本构模型 | 51009118 | 2010-8-18 | 周葆春 | 20 |