报告题目: Loop quantum Schwarzschild interior and black hole remnant
主讲人: 张聪 博士 (波兰华沙大学物理系)
主持人: 张向东 教授
报告时间: 2021年 3月 24日(周三) 15:00
报告地点: 物理楼(18号楼)二楼213室 学术报告厅
The interior of a Schwarzschild black hole is quantized by the method of loop quantum gravity. The Hamiltonian constraint is solved and the physical Hilbert space is obtained in the model. The properties of a Dirac observable corresponding to the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner mass of the Schwarzschild black hole are studied by both analytical and numerical techniques. It turns out that zero is not in the discrete spectrum of this Dirac observable. This supports the existence of a stable remnant after the evaporation of a black hole. Our conclusion is valid for a general class of schemes adopted for loop quantization of the model.