



2024年 广东五邑大学水处理团队欢迎环境、化工、给排水、材料、生物类研究生报考调剂

2024-02-29 09:08 1569 来源:海文考研
学校: 五邑大学
专业: 工学->环境科学与工程->环境工程
年级: 2024
招生人数: 4
招生状态: 正在招生中

杨涛,男,副教授。主要方向为水处理氧化技术应用研究,主持国家自然科学基金项目1项及省部级以上项目3项;主持横向项目2项;以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文32篇(中科院一区论文27篇,含多篇论文被选为亮点文章及杰出论文),其中环境领域顶刊13篇(均为单独一作或唯一通讯,含5篇Environmental science & technology和8篇Water Research),SCI他引1000多次,H因子21;获授权发明专利4项(实现转化1项)。博士学位论文被评为“中国环境科学学会优秀博士学位论文”。“挑战杯”国赛铜奖、“互联网+” 校赛一等奖指导者。目前指导在读研究生4名,已获得研究生一等奖学金和国家奖学金等荣誉,已毕业学生前往国内985高校攻读博士学位。导师为一线指导教师,能够亲自指导学生科研。

1. 水处理氧化技术应用研究
2. 水中重金属的控制技术研究
3. 水中有害微生物的消杀技术研究


1. 工科,环境、材料、给水排水、生物、化工、化学或食品等相关背景学硕或专业硕士
2. 总分和单科均通过国家线A
3. 考过数学(考过数二或数一)

联系方式:17766589132;QQ:978364661;邮箱 leoyanghit@126.com

1.        国家自然科学青年基金项目,新型LED协同高铁酸钾体系降解典型PPCPs及其强化机制研究,30万,2022年01月-2024年12月,主持。
2.        广东省自然科学基金面上项目,新型LED协同高锰酸钾对典型有机微污染物的控制机制及调控研究,10万,2023年01月-2025年12月,主持。
3.        广东省自然科学基金面上项目,太阳光协同高铁酸钾体系对典型PPCPs的控制机制及调控研究,10万,2022年01月-2024年12月,主持。
4.        广东省普通高校青年创新人才项目,亚硫酸盐强化Fe(VI)去除碘代造影剂并同步控制碘代消毒副产物生成研究,5万,2021年01月-2022年12月,主持。
5.        国家重点实验室开放课题面上项目,太阳光协同高铁酸钾体系对典型PPCPs的控制机制及调控研究,5万,2022年01月-2024年12月,主持。
6.        五邑大学科研启动项目,100万元,主持。
7.        Li J, Yang T*, Zeng G, An L, Jiang J, Ao Z, Ma J. Ozone- and Hydroxyl Radical-Induced Degradation of Micropollutants in a Novel UVA-LED-Activated Periodate Advanced Oxidation Process. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57, 47, 18607-18616. (中科院一区top,IF:11.4)
8.        Yang T, Mai J, Zhu M, Peng Q, Huang C, Wu S, Tan Q, Jia J, Fang J*, Ma J*. Enhanced Permanganate Activation under UVA-LED Irradiation: Unraveled Mechanism Involving Manganese Species and Hydroxyl Radical. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56, (24), 17720-17731. (中科院一区top,IF:11.4)
9.        Yang T*, Mai J, Cheng H, Zhu M, Wu S, Tang L, Liang P, Jia J, Ma J*. UVA-LED-Assisted Activation of the Ferrate(VI) Process for Enhanced Micropollutant Degradation: Important Role of Ferrate(IV) and Ferrate(V). Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56, (2), 1221-1232. (中科院一区top,IF:11.4)
10.        Yang T, Wu S, Liu C, Liu Y, Zhang H, Cheng H, Wang L, Guo L, Li Y, Liu M-C*, Ma J*. Efficient degradation of organoarsenic by UV/chlorine treatment: Kinetics, mechanism, enhanced arsenic removal, and cytotoxicity. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55, (3), 2037-2047. (中科院一区top,IF:11.4)
11.        Yang T, Wang L*, Liu Y, Jiang J, Huang Z, Pang S-Y, Cheng H, Gao D, Ma J*. Removal of organoarsenic with ferrate and ferrate resultant nanoparticles: Oxidation and adsorption. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52, (22), 13325-13335. (中科院一区top,IF:11.4,亮点文章)
12.        Yang T*, An L, Zeng G, Mai J, Li Y*, Lian J, Zhang H, Li J, Cheng* X, Jia J, Liu M, Ma J. Enhanced hydroxyl radical generation for micropollutant degradation in the In2O3/Vis-LED process through the addition of periodate. Water Research, 2023, 120401. (中科院一区top,IF:12.8)
13.        Yang T*, Huang C, An L, Zeng G, Li J, Liu C, Xu X, Jia J, Ma J. The overlooked role of Cr(VI) in micropollutant degradation under solar light irradiation. Water Research, 2023, 242, 120309. (中科院一区top,IF:12.8)
14.        Yang T, An L, Zeng G, Jiang M, Li J, Liu C, Jia J, Ma J. Efficient removal of p-arsanilic acid and arsenite by Fe(II)/peracetic acid (Fe(II)/PAA) and PAA processes. Water Research, 2023, 241, 120091. (中科院一区top,IF:12.8)
15.        Yang T, Zhu M, An L, Zeng G, Fan C, Li J*, Jiang J, Ma J. Photolysis of chlorite by solar light: An overlooked mitigation pathway for chlorite and micropollutants. Water Research, 2023, 119809. (中科院一区top,IF:12.8)
16.        Yang T*, Mai J, Wu S, Luo W, Zhu M, Liang P, Guo L, Chen J, Jia J, Ma J*. Insight into enhanced activation of permanganate under simulated solar irradiation: Rapid formation of manganese species. Water Research, 2021, 117669. (中科院一区top,IF:12.8)
17.        Yang T, Liu Y, Wang L*, Jiang J, Huang Z, Pang S-Y, Cheng H, Gao D, Ma J*. Highly effective oxidation of roxarsone by ferrate and simultaneous arsenic removal with in situ formed ferric nanoparticles. Water Research, 2018, 147, 321-330. (中科院一区top,IF:12.8)
18.        Yang T, Wang L*, Liu Y, Huang Z, He H, Wang X, Jiang J, Gao D, Ma J*. Comparative study on ferrate oxidation of BPS and BPAF: Kinetics, reaction mechanism, and the improvement on their biodegradability. Water Research, 2019, 148, 115-125. (中科院一区top,IF:12.8)
19.        Li J, Jiang M, Su P, Lv Q, An L, Zeng G, Hou X, Li W, Chen C, Ma J, Yang T*. Generation of •OH and intermediate manganese species for the efficient removal of micropollutants via photocatalysis of permanganate by indium oxide. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 149084(中科院一区,IF:15.1)
20.        Mai J, Zeng G, An L, Jiang M, Su P, Lv Q, Hou X, Kong X, Jia J, Yang T*, Ma J. Singlet oxygen is also involved in the formation of hypoiodous acid during the transformation of phenolic pollutants by peracetic acid in the presence of iodide. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 476, 146725(中科院一区,IF:15.1)
21.        Zeng G, Mai J, An L, Huang C, Li J, Wang H, Li Q, Yang J, Xu X, Liu C, Jia J, Yang T*, Ma J. Insight into wavelength-dependent UVA-LED/chlorine process for micropollutant degradation: Performance, mechanism, and effects of water matrix. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 471, 144317. (中科院一区,IF:15.1)
22.        Zhang H, Zhu Z, Zhou X, Tang B, Yu J, Zhang B, Ma J*, Yang T*. Degradation of ibuprofen by the UV/chlorine/TiO2 process: Kinetics, influencing factor simulation, energy consumption, toxicity and byproducts. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 450, 137849. (中科院一区,IF:15.1)
23.        Yang T #,*, Wu S #, Mai J, Chen L, Huang C, Zeng G, Wu Y, Zhu M, Huang Y, Mo Z, Guo L, Jia J, Ma J*. Activation of ferrate(VI) by sulfite for effectively degrading iodinated contrast media and synchronously controlling I-DBPs formation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 442, 136011. (中科院一区,IF:15.1)
24.        Yang T, Wang L*, Liu Y-L, Zhang W, Cheng H-J, Liu M-C, Ma J*. Ferrate oxidation of bisphenol F and removal of oxidation products with ferrate resulted particles. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 383, 123167. (中科院一区,IF:15.1)
25.        Mai J, Yang T*, Ma J. Novel solar-driven ferrate(VI) activation system for micropollutant degradation: Elucidating the role of Fe(IV) and Fe(V). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 437, 129428. (中科院一区,IF:13.6)
26.        Wu S#, Yang T#,*, Mai J, Tang L, Liang P, Zhu M, Huang C, Li Q, Cheng X, Liu M, Ma J*. Enhanced removal of organoarsenic by chlorination: Kinetics, effect of humic acid, and adsorbable chlorinated organoarsenic. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 422, 126820. (中科院一区,IF:13.6,被评为2021年度杰出论文)
27.        Huang C# , Yang T#,*, Li M, Mai J, Wu S, Li J, Ma G, Liu C, Jia J, Ma J*. Generation of Hydroxyl Radicals via Activation of Cr(VI) by UVA-LED for Rapid Decontamination: The Important Role of Cr(V). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 129913.(中科院一区,IF:13.6)
28.        杨涛, 吴思思, 刘敏超, 郏建波, 郭琳, 李玉瑛, 汪涛, 刘长宇. 一种去除水中有机污染物的方法, 2020, 申请号:ZL202010488431.2. (已实现转化)



上一篇:2024年齐鲁工业大学山东省科学院化学与制药学部化学工程与技术硕士招生 下一篇:2024年渤海大学辽宁省化工清洁生产重点实验室招收调剂硕士研究生



