



济南大学前沿交叉科学研究院发表文章一览表 暨 2020年硕士研究生调剂信息

2020-03-04 09:11 1623 来源:海文考研

       济南大学前沿交叉科学研究院 自2017年成立以来,累计发表SCI文章100余篇(通过谷歌学术来统计),其中包含Chem Soc Rev (1篇), Adv Mater(3篇), J Am Chem Soc (1篇), Angew Chem Int Ed Engl (1篇), Nano Energy (8篇), ACS Nano (2篇), Nano Lett (1篇),Adv Energy Mater(2篇),  Adv Funct Mater(4篇), Adv Sci (3篇), Nanoscale Horizons(1篇),Small(7篇),ACS Energy Letters (1篇),Nanoscale (7篇),Applied Catalysis B: Environmental(5篇),ACS Appl Mater Interfaces(10篇)等多篇著名期刊文章, 还有一些新期刊iScience (1篇), InfoMat (1篇),EcoMat (1篇),。具有代表性的文章,详见文章列表(按照年份检索)。


济南大学研究生招生信息网(网页链接) http://yz.ujn.edu.cn/




1.        Huang, Y.; Li, L.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, L.; Ge, S.; Li, H.; Yu, J. Cerium Dioxide-Mediated Signal "On-Off" by Resonance Energy Transfer on a Lab-On-Paper Device for Ultrasensitive Detection of Lead Ions. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2017, 9, 32591-32598.
2.        Wang, X.; Wang, F.; Sang, Y.; Liu, H. Full-Spectrum Solar-Light-Activated Photocatalysts for Light-Chemical Energy Conversion. Advanced Energy Materials 2017, 7, 1700473.
3.        Yang, H.; Zhang, Y.; Li, L.; Zhang, L.; Lan, F.; Yu, J. Sudoku-like Lab-on-Paper Cyto-Device with Dual Enhancement of Electrochemiluminescence Intermediates Strategy. Analytical chemistry 2017, 89, 7511-7519.
4.        Jia, D.; Chen, X.; Tan, H.; Liu, F.; Yue, L.; Zheng, Y.; Cao, X.; Li, C.; Sun, Y.; Liu, H.; Liu, J. Boosting Electrochemistry of Manganese Oxide Nanosheets by Ostwald Ripening during Reduction for Fiber Electrochemical Energy Storage Device. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2018, 10, 30388-30399.
5.        Duan, J.; Ma, B.; Liu, F.; Zhang, S.; Wang, S.; Kong, Y.; Du, M.; Han, L.; Wang, J.; Sang, Y.; Liu, H. Coordination ability determined transition metal ions substitution of Tb in Tb-Asp fluorescent nanocrystals and a facile ions-detection approach. Nanoscale 2018, 10, 7526-7535.
6.        Li, L.; Wang, T.; Zhang, Y.; Xu, C.; Zhang, L.; Cheng, X.; Liu, H.; Chen, X.; Yu, J. Editable TiO2 Nanomaterial-Modified Paper in Situ for Highly Efficient Detection of Carcinoembryonic Antigen by Photoelectrochemical Method. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2018, 10, 14594-14601.
7.        Zhang, Y.; Zhang, L.; Cui, K.; Ge, S.; Cheng, X.; Yan, M.; Yu, J.; Liu, H. Flexible Electronics Based on Micro/Nanostructured Paper. Advanced materials 2018, 30, e1801588.
8.        Zhang, J.; Jin, X.; Yu, X.; Sang, Y.; Razzari, L.; Liu, H.; Claverie, J. An In Situ Polymerization-Encapsulation Approach to Prepare TiO2-Graphite Carbon-Au Photocatalysts for Efficient Photocatalysis. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 2018, 35, 1700297.
9.        Zhang, Y.; Sinatra, L.; Alarousu, E.; Yin, J.; El-Zohry, A. M.; Bakr, O. M.; Mohammed, O. F. Ligand-Free Nanocrystals of Highly Emissive Cs4PbBr6 Perovskite. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018, 122, 6493-6498.
10.        Liu, Z.; Tan, H.; Xin, J.; Duan, J.; Su, X.; Hao, P.; Xie, J.; Zhan, J.; Zhang, J.; Wang, J. J.; Liu, H. Metallic Intermediate Phase Inducing Morphological Transformation in Thermal Nitridation: Ni3FeN-Based Three-Dimensional Hierarchical Electrocatalyst for Water Splitting. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2018, 10, 3699-3706.
11.        Yang, L. J.; Deng, Y. Q.; Zhang, X. F.; Liu, H.; Zhou, W. J. MoSe2 nanosheet/MoO2 nanobelt/ carbon nanotube membrane as flexible and multifunctional electrodes for full water splitting in acidic electrolyte. Nanoscale 2018, 10, 9268-9275.
12.        Tan, H.; Liu, Z.; Chao, D.; Hao, P.; Jia, D.; Sang, Y.; Liu, H.; Fan, H. J. Partial Nitridation-Induced Electrochemistry Enhancement of Ternary Oxide Nanosheets for Fiber Energy Storage Device. Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8, 1800685.
13.        Zhang, S.; Ma, B.; Liu, F.; Duan, J.; Wang, S.; Qiu, J.; Li, D.; Sang, Y.; Liu, C.; Liu, D.; Liu, H. Polylactic Acid Nanopillar Array-Driven Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Determined by Pillar Diameter. Nano letters 2018, 18, 2243-2253.
14.        Wang, Y.; Zhang, L.; Cui, K.; Xu, C.; Li, H.; Liu, H.; Yu, J. Solar driven electrochromic photoelectrochemical fuel cells for simultaneous energy conversion, storage and self-powered sensing. Nanoscale 2018, 10, 3421-3428.
15.        Wang, F.; Kang, X.; Liang, L.; Song, W.; Sun, D.; Wang, J.; Liu, H.; Sang, Y. Yb Sensitized Near-Stoichiometric Er:LiNbO3 Single Crystal: A Matrix for Optical Communication and Upconversion Emission. Crystal Growth & Design 2018, 18, 1495-1500.
16.        Yu, X.; Ren, N.; Qiu, J.; Sun, D.; Li, L.; Liu, H. Killing two birds with one stone: To eliminate the toxicity and enhance the photocatalytic property of CdS nanobelts by assembling ultrafine TiO2 nanowires on them. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2018, 183, 41-47.
17.        Zhao, L.; Cao, Q.; Wang, A.; Duan, J.; Zhou, W.; Sang, Y.; Liu, H. Iron oxide embedded titania nanowires – An active and stable electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution in acidic media. Nano Energy 2018, 45, 118-126.
18.        Bi, P.; Xiao, T.; Yang, X.; Niu, M.; Wen, Z.; Zhang, K.; Qin, W.; So, S. K.; Lu, G.; Hao, X.; Liu, H. Regulating the vertical phase distribution by fullerene-derivative in high performance ternary organic solar cells. Nano Energy 2018, 46, 81-90.
19.        Gao, W.; Zhang, X.; Su, X.; Wang, F.; Liu, Z.; Liu, B.; Zhan, J.; Liu, H.; Sang, Y. Construction of bimetallic Pd-Ag enhanced AgBr/TiO2 hierarchical nanostructured photocatalytic hybrid capillary tubes and devices for continuous photocatalytic degradation of VOCs. Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 346, 77-84.
20.        Yu, X.; Zhao, Z.; Sun, D.; Ren, N.; Ding, L.; Yang, R.; Ji, Y.; Li, L.; Liu, H. TiO2/TiN core/shell nanobelts for efficient solar hydrogen generation. Chemical communications 2018, 54, 6056-6059.
21.        Yu, X.; Zhao, Z.; Sun, D.; Ren, N.; Yu, J.; Yang, R.; Liu, H. Microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of Sn 3 O 4 nanosheet/rGO planar heterostructure for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen generation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2018, 227, 470-476.
22.        Li, G.; Yu, J.; Jia, J.; Yang, L.; Zhao, L.; Zhou, W.; Liu, H. Cobalt-Cobalt Phosphide Nanoparticles@Nitrogen-Phosphorus Doped Carbon/Graphene Derived from Cobalt Ions Adsorbed Saccharomycete
Yeasts as an Efficient, Stable, and Large-Current-Density Electrode for Hydrogen Evolution Reactions. Advanced Functional Materials 2018, 28, 1801332.
23.        Pang, J.; Mendes, R. G.; Bachmatiuk, A.; Zhao, L.; Ta, H. Q.; Gemming, T.; Liu, H.; Liu, Z.; Rummeli, M. H. Applications of 2D MXenes in energy conversion and storage systems. Chemical Society reviews 2019, 48, 72-133.
24.        Wang, H.; Sun, D.; Lu, Q.; Wang, F.; Zhao, L.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, X.; Liu, H. Bio-inspired synthesis of mesoporous HfO2 nanoframes as reactors for piezotronic polymerization and Suzuki coupling reactions. Nanoscale 2019, 11, 5240-5246.
25.        Kong, Y.; Ma, B.; Liu, F.; Chen, D.; Zhang, S.; Duan, J.; Huang, Y.; Sang, Y.; Wang, J.; Li, D.; Liu, H.; Wang, S. Cellular Stemness Maintenance of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells on ZnO Nanorod Arrays. Small 2019, 15, e1904099.
26.        Hao, M.; He, J.; Wang, C.; Wang, C.; Ma, B.; Zhang, S.; Duan, J.; Liu, F.; Zhang, Y.; Han, L.; Liu, H.; Sang, Y. Effect of Hydroxyapatite Nanorods on the Fate of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Assessed In Situ at the Single Cell Level with a High-Throughput, Real-Time Microfluidic Chip. Small 2019, 15, e1905001.
27.        Yu, J.; Li, G.; Liu, H.; Zeng, L.; Zhao, L.; Jia, J.; Zhang, M.; Zhou, W.; Liu, H.; Hu, Y. Electrochemical Flocculation Integrated Hydrogen Evolution Reaction of Fe@N-Doped Carbon Nanotubes on Iron Foam for Ultralow Voltage Electrolysis in Neutral Media. Adv Sci 2019, 6, 1901458.
28.        Wang, J.; Pang, J.; Liu, S.; Zhang, H.; Tang, W.; Xia, W. Experimental and dynamical study of a dual Q-switched intracavity OPO based on few-layer MoSe2 SA. Optics express 2019, 27, 36474-36486.
29.        Jiang, J.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, A.; Zhang, Y.; Meng, F.; Zhang, C.; Feng, X.; Feng, Y.; Gu, L.; Liu, H.; Han, L. A Facile and Effective Method for Patching Sulfur Vacancies of WS2 via Nitrogen Plasma Treatment. Small 2019, 15, e1901791.
30.        Zhu, Y.; Ji, X.; Cheng, S.; Chern, Z. Y.; Jia, J.; Yang, L.; Luo, H.; Yu, J.; Peng, X.; Wang, J.; Zhou, W.; Liu, M. Fast Energy Storage in Two-Dimensional MoO2 Enabled by Uniform Oriented Tunnels. ACS nano 2019, 13, 9091-9099.
31.        Jiang, J.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, A.; Zhang, Y.; Meng, F.; Zhang, C.; Feng, X.; Feng, Y.; Gu, L.; Liu, H.; Han, L. Field‐Effect Transistors: A Facile and Effective Method for Patching Sulfur Vacancies of WS2 via Nitrogen Plasma Treatment (Small 36/2019). Small 2019, 15, 1970195.
32.        Shu, F.; Wang, M.; Pang, J.; Yu, P. A free-standing superhydrophobic film for highly efficient removal of water from turbine oil. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2019, 13, 393-399.
33.        Miao, Z.; Huang, Y.; Xin, J.; Su, X.; Sang, Y.; Liu, H.; Wang, J. J. High-Performance Symmetric Supercapacitor Constructed Using Carbon Cloth Boosted by Engineering Oxygen-Containing Functional Groups. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2019, 11, 18044-18050.
34.        Yi, Z.; Luo, Z.; Barth, N. D.; Meng, X.; Liu, H.; Bu, W.; All, A.; Vendrell, M.; Liu, X. In Vivo Tumor Visualization through MRI Off-On Switching of NaGdF4 -CaCO3 Nanoconjugates. Advanced materials 2019, 31, e1901851.
35.        Zhang, Y.; Sun, R.; Ou, X.; Fu, K.; Chen, Q.; Ding, Y.; Xu, L.-J.; Liu, L.; Han, Y.; Malko, A. V.; Liu, X.; Yang, H.; Bakr, O. M.; Liu, H.; Mohammed, O. F. Metal Halide Perovskite Nanosheet for X-ray High-Resolution Scintillation Imaging Screens. ACS nano 2019, 13, 2520-2525.
36.        Shang, X. MnSe2/Se Composite Nanobelts as an Improved Performance Anode for Lithium Storage. International Journal of Electrochemical Science 2019, 6000-6008.
37.        Liu, F.; Zeng, L.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, R.; Yang, R.; Pang, J.; Ding, L.; Liu, H.; Zhou, W. Ni-Co-N hybrid porous nanosheets on graphene paper for flexible and editable asymmetric all-solid-state supercapacitors. Nano Energy 2019, 61, 18-26.
38.        Wang, Y.; Zhang, L.; Cui, K.; Ge, S.; Zhao, P.; Yu, J. Paper-Supported Self-Powered System Based on a Glucose/O2 Biofuel Cell for Visual MicroRNA-21 Sensing. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2019, 11, 5114-5122.
39.        Wang, L.; Liu, H.; Zhang, Y.; Mohammed, O. F. Photoluminescence Origin of Zero-Dimensional Cs4PbBr6 Perovskite. ACS Energy Letters 2019, 5, 87-99.
40.        Liu, Z.; Wang, L.; Yu, X.; Zhang, J.; Yang, R.; Zhang, X.; Ji, Y.; Wu, M.; Deng, L.; Li, L.; Wang, Z. L. Piezoelectric‐Effect‐Enhanced Full‐Spectrum Photoelectrocatalysis in p–n Heterojunction. Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 29, 1807279.
41.        Zhang, J.; Huang, Y.; Jin, X.; Nazartchouk, A.; Liu, M.; Tong, X.; Jiang, Y.; Ni, L.; Sun, S.; Sang, Y.; Liu, H.; Razzari, L.; Vetrone, F.; Claverie, J. Plasmon enhanced upconverting core@triple-shell nanoparticles as recyclable panchromatic initiators (blue to infrared) for radical polymerization. Nanoscale Horizons 2019, 4, 907-917.
42.        Liu, Z.; Tan, H.; Liu, D.; Liu, X.; Xin, J.; Xie, J.; Zhao, M.; Song, L.; Dai, L.; Liu, H. Promotion of Overall Water Splitting Activity Over a Wide pH Range by Interfacial Electrical Effects of Metallic NiCo-nitrides Nanoparticle/NiCo2O4 Nanoflake/graphite Fibers. Adv Sci 2019, 6, 1801829.
43.        Yu, J.; Li, G.; Liu, H.; Zhao, L.; Wang, A.; Liu, Z.; Li, H.; Liu, H.; Hu, Y.; Zhou, W. Ru–Ru2 PΦNPC and NPC@RuO2 Synthesized via Environment‐Friendly and Solid‐Phase Phosphating Process by Saccharomycetes as N/P Sources and Carbon Template for Overall Water Splitting in Acid Electrolyte. Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 29, 1901154.
44.        Xin, B.; Pak, Y.; Mitra, S.; Almalawi, D.; Alwadai, N.; Zhang, Y.; Roqan, I. S. Self-Patterned CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals for High-Performance Optoelectronics. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2019, 11, 5223-5231.
45.        Hao, M.; He, J.; Wang, C.; Wang, C.; Ma, B.; Zhang, S.; Duan, J.; Liu, F.; Zhang, Y.; Han, L.; Liu, H.; Sang, Y. Stem Cell Fate: Effect of Hydroxyapatite Nanorods on the Fate of Human Adipose‐Derived Stem Cells Assessed In Situ at the Single Cell Level with a High‐Throughput, Real‐Time Microfluidic Chip (Small 51/2019). Small 2019, 15, 1970279.
46.        Gao, W.; Lu, J.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, X.; Wang, Z.; Qin, W.; Wang, J.; Zhou, W.; Liu, H.; Sang, Y. Suppressing Photoinduced Charge Recombination via the Lorentz Force in a Photocatalytic System. Adv Sci 2019, 6, 1901244.
47.        Cao, Q.; Zhao, L.; Wang, A.; Yang, L.; Lai, L.; Wang, Z. L.; Kim, J.; Zhou, W.; Yamauchi, Y.; Lin, J. Tailored synthesis of Zn-N co-doped porous MoC nanosheets towards efficient hydrogen evolution. Nanoscale 2019, 11, 1700-1709.
48.        Liu, B.; Hou, J.; Zhang, T.; Xu, C.; Liu, H. A three-dimensional multilevel nanoporous NiCoO2/Ni hybrid for highly reversible electrochemical energy storage. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7, 16222-16230.
49.        Li, L.; Zhang, Y.; Ge, S.; Zhang, L.; Cui, K.; Zhao, P.; Yan, M.; Yu, J. Triggerable H2O2-Cleavable Switch of Paper-Based Biochips Endows Precision of Chemometer/Ratiometric Electrochemical Quantification of Analyte in High-Efficiency Point-of-Care Testing. Analytical chemistry 2019, 91, 10273-10281.
50.        Sun, X.; Jian, Y.; Wang, H.; Ge, S.; Yan, M.; Yu, J. Ultrasensitive Microfluidic Paper-Based Electrochemical Biosensor Based on Molecularly Imprinted Film and Boronate Affinity Sandwich Assay for Glycoprotein Detection. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2019, 11, 16198-16206.
51.        Shi, H.; Ge, S.; Wang, Y.; Gao, C.; Yu, J. Wide-Spectrum-Responsive Paper-Supported Photoelectrochemical Sensing Platform Based on Black Phosphorus-Sensitized TiO2. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2019, 11, 41062-41068.
52.        Zhao, H.; Sun, R.; Wang, Z.; Fu, K.; Hu, X.; Zhang, Y. Zero‐Dimensional Perovskite Nanocrystals for Efficient Luminescent Solar Concentrators. Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 29, 1902262.
53.        Yang, H.; Bai, X.; Hao, P.; Tian, J.; Bo, Y.; Wang, X.; Liu, H. A simple gas sensor based on zinc ferrite hollow spheres: Highly sensitivity, excellent selectivity and long-term stability. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2019, 280, 34-40.
54.        Qiao, J.; Sung, W. H.; Lan, J. C.; Lin, Y. Y.; Wu, M. Y.; Fan, R.; Li, Y.; Qiao, W.; Liu, H.; Zhao, S.; Lee, C. K. Are graphene-Bi2Te3 van der Waals heterostructure-based saturable absorbers promising for solid-state Q-switched lasers? Optics letters 2019, 44, 1072-1075.
55.        Xin, J.; Tan, H.; Liu, Z.; Zhao, L.; Xie, J.; Sang, Y.; Zhou, W.; Wang, A.; Liu, H.; Wang, J. J. Facile synthesis of hierarchical porous NixCo1-xSeO3 networks with controllable composition as a new and efficient water oxidation catalyst. Nanoscale 2019, 11, 3268-3274.
56.        Zhao, L.; Yang, Z.; Cao, Q.; Yang, L.; Zhang, X.; Jia, J.; Sang, Y.; Wu, H.-J.; Zhou, W.; Liu, H. An earth-abundant and multifunctional Ni nanosheets array as electrocatalysts and heat absorption layer integrated thermoelectric device for overall water splitting. Nano Energy 2019, 56, 563-570.
57.        Yu, D.; Liu, Z.; Zhang, J.; Li, S.; Zhao, Z.; Zhu, L.; Liu, W.; Lin, Y.; Liu, H.; Zhang, Z. Enhanced catalytic performance by multi-field coupling in KNbO3 nanostructures: Piezo-photocatalytic and ferro-photoelectrochemical effects. Nano Energy 2019, 58, 695-705.
58.        Luo, J.; Bai, X.; Li, Q.; Yu, X.; Li, C.; Wang, Z.; Wu, W.; Liang, Y.; Zhao, Z.; Liu, H. Band structure engineering of bioinspired Fe doped SrMoO4 for enhanced photocatalytic nitrogen reduction performance. Nano Energy 2019, 66, 104187.
59.        Li, X.; Yu, J.; Jia, J.; Wang, A.; Zhao, L.; Xiong, T.; Liu, H.; Zhou, W. Confined distribution of platinum clusters on MoO2 hexagonal nanosheets with oxygen vacancies as a high-efficiency electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction. Nano Energy 2019, 62, 127-135.
60.        Deng, Y.; Liu, Z.; Wang, A.; Sun, D.; Chen, Y.; Yang, L.; Pang, J.; Li, H.; Li, H.; Liu, H.; Zhou, W. Oxygen-incorporated MoX (X: S, Se or P) nanosheets via universal and controlled electrochemical anodic activation for enhanced hydrogen evolution activity. Nano Energy 2019, 62, 338-347.
61.        Han, Y.; Wang, H.; Qiang, L.; Gao, Y.; Li, Q.; Pang, J.; Liu, H.; Han, L.; Wu, Y.; Zhang, Y. Fabrication of a uniform Au nanodot array/monolayer graphene hybrid structure for high-performance surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Materials Science 2019, 55, 591-602.
62.        Wang, A.; Shen, L.; Zhao, M.; Wang, J.; Zhou, W.; Li, W.; Feng, Y.; Liu, H. Tungsten boride: a 2D multiple Dirac semimetal for the hydrogen evolution reaction. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2019, 7, 8868-8873.
63.        Ma, B.; Wang, S.; Liu, F.; Zhang, S.; Duan, J.; Li, Z.; Kong, Y.; Sang, Y.; Liu, H.; Bu, W.; Li, L. Self-Assembled Copper-Amino Acid Nanoparticles for in Situ Glutathione "AND" H2O2 Sequentially Triggered Chemodynamic Therapy. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141, 849-857.
64.        Li, G.; Yu, J.; Zhou, Z.; Li, R.; Xiang, Z.; Cao, Q.; Zhao, L.; Wang, X.; Peng, X.; Liu, H.; Zhou, W. N-Doped Mo2C Nanobelts/Graphene Nanosheets Bonded with Hydroxy Nanocellulose as Flexible and Editable Electrode for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. iScience 2019, 19, 1090-1100.
65.        Wang, H.; Liu, H.; Ji, Y.; Yang, R.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, X.; Liu, H. Hybrid nanostructures of pit-rich TiO2 nanocrystals with Ru loading and N doping for enhanced solar water splitting. Chemical communications 2019, 55, 2781-2784.
66.        Yang, R.; Ji, Y.; Li, Q.; Zhao, Z.; Zhang, R.; Liang, L.; Liu, F.; Chen, Y.; Han, S.; Yu, X.; Liu, H. Ultrafine Si nanowires/Sn3O4 nanosheets 3D hierarchical heterostructured array as a photoanode with high-efficient photoelectrocatalytic performance. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2019, 256, 117798.
67.        Yang, L.; Zeng, L.; Liu, H.; Deng, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Yu, J.; Liu, H.; Zhou, W. Hierarchical microsphere of MoNi porous nanosheets as electrocatalyst and cocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2019, 249, 98-105.
68.        Wang, X.; Gao, W.; Zhao, Z.; Zhao, L.; Claverie, J. P.; Zhang, X.; Wang, J.; Liu, H.; Sang, Y. Efficient photo-electrochemical water splitting based on hematite nanorods doped with phosphorus. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2019, 248, 388-393.
69.        Qiu, J.; Huo, D.; Xue, J.; Zhu, G.; Liu, H.; Xia, Y. Encapsulation of a Phase-Change Material in Nanocapsules with a Well-Defined Hole in the Wall for the Controlled Release of Drugs. Angewandte Chemie 2019, 58, 10606-10611.
70.        Liu, X.; Yi, Z.; Qin, X.; Liu, H.; Huang, W.; Liu, X. Tuning Long‐Lived Mn(II) Upconversion Luminescence through Alkaline‐Earth Metal Doping and Energy‐Level Tailoring. Advanced Optical Materials 2019, 7, 1900519.
71.        Gao, C.; Wei, T.; Zhang, Y.; Song, X.; Huan, Y.; Liu, H.; Zhao, M.; Yu, J.; Chen, X. A Photoresponsive Rutile TiO2 Heterojunction with Enhanced Electron-Hole Separation for High-Performance Hydrogen Evolution. Advanced materials 2019, 31, e1806596.
72.        Cao, Y.; Zhu, X.; Chen, H.; Zhang, X.; Zhouc, J.; Hu, Z.; Pang, J. Towards high efficiency inverted Sb2Se3 thin film solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2019, 200, 109945.
73.        Zhou, Y.; Huang, Y.; Pang, J.; Wang, K. Remaining useful life prediction for supercapacitor based on long short-term memory neural network. Journal of Power Sources 2019, 440, 227149.
74.        Zhu, Y.; Ji, X.; Cheng, S.; Jia, J.; Luo, H.; Tang, L.; Liu, T.; Li, M.; Liu, M. Achieving Durable and Fast Charge Storage of MoO2-Based Insertion-Type Pseudocapacitive Electrodes via N-Doped Carbon Coating. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020, 8, 2806-2813.
75.        Liu, S.; Wang, J.; Pang, J.; Song, P.; Chen, L.; Tang, W.; Xia, W. An active and passive dual-loss Q-switched intracavity OPO based on few-layer WS2 saturable absorber. Optical Materials 2020, 100, 109700.
76.        Shao, Y.; Tang, J.; Li, N.; Sun, T.; Yang, L.; Chen, D.; Zhi, H.; Wang, D.; Liu, H.; Xue, G. Designing a bioinspired synthetic tree by unidirectional freezing for simultaneous solar steam generation and salt collection. EcoMat 2020, 2, 10.1002/eom2.12018.
77.        Niu, H.; Gao, S.; Yue, W.; Li, Y.; Zhou, W.; Liu, H. Highly Morphology-Controllable and Highly Sensitive Capacitive Tactile Sensor Based on Epidermis-Dermis-Inspired Interlocked Asymmetric-Nanocone Arrays for Detection of Tiny Pressure. Small 2020, 16, e1904774.
78.        Duan, J.; Liu, F.; Kong, Y.; Hao, M.; He, J.; Wang, J.; Wang, S.; Liu, H.; Sang, Y. Homogeneous Chitosan/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite Hydrogel-Based Actuator Driven by Efficient Photothermally Induced Water Gradients. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2020, 3, 1002-1009.
79.        Xia, G.; Huang, Y.; Li, F.; Wang, L.; Pang, J.; Li, L.; Wang, K. A thermally flexible and multi-site tactile sensor for remote 3D dynamic sensing imaging. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2020, 10.1007/s11705-019-1901-5.
80.        Dai, L.; Wang, Y.; Zou, X.; Chen, Z.; Liu, H.; Ni, Y. Ultrasensitive Physical, Bio, and Chemical Sensors Derived from 1-, 2-, and 3-D Nanocellulosic Materials. Small 2020, e1906567.
81.        Cao, Y.; Zhu, X.; Tong, X.; Zhou, J.; Ni, J.; Zhang, J.; Pang, J. Ultrathin microcrystalline hydrogenated Si/Ge alloyed tandem solar cells towards full solar spectrum conversion. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2020, 10.1007/s11705-019-1906-0.
82.        Nosheen, F.; Wasfi, N.; Aslam, S.; Anwar, T.; Hussain, S.; Hussain, N.; Shah, S. N.; Shaheen, N.; Ashraf, A.; Zhu, Y.; Wang, H.; Ma, J.; Zhang, Z.; Hu, W. Ultrathin Pd-based nanosheets: syntheses, properties and applications. Nanoscale 2020, 12, 4219-4237.
83.        Liu, N.; Sun, R.; Wang, L.; Ji, Y.; Li, N.; Cao, B.; Zhang, Y. Unexpected Red Emission From Cs4PbI6 Nanocrystals. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 10.1039/d0ta00211a.
84.        Liu, Q.; Hou, J.; Xu, C.; Chen, Z.; Qin, R.; Liu, H. TiO2 particles wrapped onto macroporous germanium skeleton as high performance anode for lithium-ion batteries. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 381, 122649.
85.        Liu, H.; Yu, J.; Chen, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Xiong, G.; Zeng, L.; Li, H.; Liu, Z.; Zhao, L.; Wang, J.; Chu, B.; Liu, H.; Zhou, W. One-Step Sublimation and Epitaxial Growth of CdS-Cd Heterogeneous Nanoparticles on S-Doped MoO2 Nanosheets for Efficient Visible Light-Driven Photocatalytic H2 Generation. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2020, 12, 2362-2369.
86.        Li, G.; Wang, J.; Yu, J.; Liu, H.; Cao, Q.; Du, J.; Zhao, L.; Jia, J.; Liu, H.; Zhou, W. Ni-Ni3P nanoparticles embedded into N, P-doped carbon on 3D graphene frameworks via in situ phosphatization of saccharomycetes with multifunctional electrodes for electrocatalytic hydrogen production and anodic degradation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2020, 261, 118147.
87.        Cheng, Q.; Pang, J.; Sun, D.; Wang, J.; Zhang, S.; Liu, F.; Chen, Y.; Yang, R.; Liang, N.; Lu, X.; Ji, Y.; Wang, J.; Zhang, C.; Sang, Y.; Liu, H.; Zhou, W. WSe2 2D p‐type semiconductor‐based electronic devices for information technology: Design, preparation, and applications. InfoMat 2020, 10.1002/inf2.12093.
88.        Zhou, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang, K.; Kang, L.; Peng, F.; Wang, L.; Pang, J. Hybrid genetic algorithm method for efficient and robust evaluation of remaining useful life of supercapacitors. Applied Energy 2020, 260, 114169.
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